Sunday, March 13, 2011

Offensive Photos

Well you'd better take them off of the burner, then, because they appear to be melting...


  1. I just threw up in my mouth. Ughhh...any normal person would know that doesn't look good

  2. Thank god that normal people do not shop at Walmart. I shop there for two reasons. A) the deals aren't too bad, and I can replace a dead beta fish for cheap, and B) I get to see people like "hot buns," so that even if I am having a shitastic hair day and have to wear my "Anna's bloated, again" pants, at least I'm still not them :)

  3. hahaha I do shop there occasionally and dress to fit the norm, pj bottoms, crocs, etc. After all it's Walmart and to think I couldn't get hired there.

  4. lol, you couldn't get hired there because nowhere on your resume were the words "county jail" or "school bus driver."


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