Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Rant of the Day: Mike Tyson the Bird Man of Animal Planet

Since retiring in 2006, Mike Tyson has been entertaining himself with various activities, but none of those seemed to fulfill his eccentric ambitions.  Enter pigeon racing.  No...your eyesight is not failing, you read that correctly.  His team of trainers; Three Italian-American men.  Now, to me, this part makes perfect sense because if you have ever met an Italian-American, you know we are not good athletes.  We have no sportsmanship what so ever, and we're just really not that good at anything (ok, not including baseball, but we're only really good at that because it involves our weapon of choice, a bat, and even still there are just a few of us who have been good at that...but I digress).  As I was saying, Italian-Americans suck at real sports, so we have apparently taken up racing birds so that we can feel that great pride that real athletes feel when they win something.  That's right, Ant'ny, no longer will you have to add another "Participant" ribbon to your mommas brag wall. Now you might actually be able to bring home that long awaited 9th place ribbon! Party time! 

Recap: A washed up Mike Tyson will have a group of halfwit, sweaty WOPS, and a cage full of diseased rats with wings work together to help him reclaim the glory that once was Heavy Weight Champion of the World...as long as the birds fly back, of course.  If they don't, at least Tyson won't look any more imbalanced than he has for the past, oh...how old is Tyson...yeah, that many years.

Animal Planet is capturing all of this awkward hilarity and marketing it as a serious reality series.  Silly network executives...silly, silly, rich old bastards. They're loaded.

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