Thursday, March 3, 2011

Rant of the Day: Bethenny Ever After

Watching people who have no business having a fern bush, let alone a dog, shopping for their brand new baby; this crap should be shown in new parent classes on the, "what not do," day of class.  If you even need to ask the question, "what do normal people do when they are shopping for clothes for their kids?" while standing in the upscale children's clothing store, and then can't translate the 0-3 mo. label in your head, and then have to ask the nanny if you bring the "car-seat" (carrier) into the restaurant with you, because neither you, nor your halfwit husband, knows what to do with the baby, but also can't grasp the concept of carrying the baby in the carrier because it also attaches to the probably shouldn't have any living things relying on you, including that novelty, purse-dog of yours (although you know exactly what to do when buying clothes for it???).

I apologize for that long, drawn out rant, wrought with poor grammar, but I was typing in steam of consciousness while watching the horrid train wreck that is "Bethenny Ever After."  Her husband just asked her how she will fair out when their nanny takes two days off...I'm voting for not well.

People who should not have kids.  There are lots of them.  Hell, I'm willing to bet that, in some persuasion, I fall into that realm.  After all, my kids run around naked about 60% of the time, and sometimes I call them by the dogs name...or the dog by the kids name...but at least I didn't need a nanny to help me care for my 3 -week-old whose clothing size I am not aware of because I am too busy calling my personal assistant a dumbass while bitching about the consistency of my soy latte (which I am surprised to find out costs more than a pair of infants pants...).

Long story short, children, unlike purse-dogs, cannot be kenneled when you want to go get your hair extensions redone, test drive a Ferrari, or take a holiday in the Hampton's.  Please, please, wealthy, witless nimrods, read a book before you bring home that helpless creature...I mean, eventually they are still going to tell you how stupid you are as they walk out the door with your $30,000 platinum card in hand...and they'd be right...but don't let them add, "on file with the CPS," to their reasons for hating you. Let them hate you for the same reason all spoiled, rich brats hate their parents.  You got them the wrong color Mercedes convertable for their 16th birthday.

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