Thursday, June 2, 2011

For my own good measure...

Dear Anonymous,

While I respect your right to free thought (and thank god it's free, because otherwise most people would be paying out the ass for pure garbage), I find the points you attempted to make to be kind of...well...stupid.  Point one, that I make mention of the individuals from the blog in question regularly.  Actually, I never make mention of anyone regularly accept my children, and this is mostly because they are far more entertaining than most all adults.  Point two, that misery loves company. I am sure it does.  You'll have to let me know. Point three, that I am a drama queen.  Oh honey, I am just the drama needed. Oh, and the richest part of all.  Something about Prince Charming. Oh surely you jest.   

Oh I could continue, as there is so much more I'd like to say, but as you chose to make your attacks under a cloak of anonymity I sadly cannot make personal attacks on you, as you have on me.  Oh how I would love to put a name and face with a wordy individual such as yourself...mostly to make avoidance easier.

Well, anyway, I have this life to live.  I'm really quite enjoying it.  Ok then...buh-bye now..

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