Wednesday, June 15, 2011

And now this...

My blog has been silent for a while, as I have been fresh out of interesting things to say (...just being honest).  I have decided to start something new on my fun little page called, "A picture is worth a thousand words..."  I'll, of course, be drawing from a stockpile of "People of Walmart" photos, as well as other photos of shameful citizens embarrassing (or perhaps not so embarrassing, judging by their blatant disregard for tact) pictures that have found their way to the very public World Wide Web.  I will be challenging myself to write a one thousand word essay about the photo (narrative style, research paper style...really whatever I am feeling that day), and will be extending the challenge to others. 

Now remember, in order to comment on my page (and offer your own 1,000 word contribution), you have to be one of my Legions, so join my page, and let's have fun, because that is what Annarchy is all about; shameless, vulgar, profane, border-line personality disorder laden fun.  Come join the party! 

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